Title: Fine Cooking in Season: Your Guide to Choosing and Preparing the Season’s Best
Publisher: The Taunton Press
Pages: 320
Today’s home cooks want to embrace the bounty of every season and cook with unusual ingredients — or use their tried-and-true options in creative ways. Featuring 100 ingredients and 300 recipes arranged by season, Cooking in Season, readers will enjoy both the thrill of discovering new flavors as well as learning different methods of preparing common fresh produce. Each ingredient is accompanied by a beautiful photograph and in-depth details on how to choose it at its peak and keep it fresh, as well as preserving ideas and surprisingly delicious pairings. Plus, each ingredient features multiple recipes from the editors and contributors of Fine Cooking and tested by the Fine Cooking test kitchen staff so home cooks will get sure-to-work, delicious results from their fresh bounty, whether grown at home or purchased at the farmer’s market or grocery.
My Review:
The Herb Grapefruit -Mango Salsa is definitely a must try! This book is full of colorful recipes, but that’s not all! Great details on fruits and vegetables for every season from early Spring until Winter. This book has extensive tips on how to pick the best, keep it fresh, preparing and how to use the fruit or vegetables in the best of ways. If I would have seen this book in a store, I would have bought it just for the tutorials on how dice a mango, cut a sweet pepper and peel a melon. It also features advice from some of America’s culinary experts. What’s prime is the recipes are healthy! The only thing this book lacked in my opinion is some pictures of the delicious recipes.
The post Review: Fine Cooking in Season appeared first on Mooshu Jenne.